Edward Andersson


Edward Andersson is European Associate for Involve and an established expert on methods of participatory decision making. He set up Participationcompass.org – one of Europe’s leading public engagement sites, and has advised a number of organisations on public engagement strategies, including the Home Office, the European Commission, the OECD, WHO Europe, UNDP Turkey and numerous Local Authorities and Health Trusts. He has worked on engagement practice in over a dozen countries in four continents. His research covers how to measure the business case for engagement, engaging the public in difficult and complex issues, and institutionalizing engagement within organisational culture. He previously worked for The Environment Council and The Women’s Environment and Development Organization.

He is a Professional Facilitator (Certified by the International Association of Facilitators) and is a board member of the international not-for profit e-Democracy.org. He works as Dialogue Manager for Sciencewise, the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills’ Expert Resource Centre for Public Dialogue in Science and Innovation. At Sciencewise Edward leads on Capacity Building and Thought Leadership.